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Men's Section - 2021 Introduction

From: Gord MacDonald

On behalf of the Men's Section - welcome to the 2021 golf season!!

We'll begin with a recap of our 2020 season. We had a very good season despite the late start due to the virus and the limitations it imposed. Although we had generally good weather, we did suffer a few events cancelled and deferred due to the weather.

In 2020 we continued our Wednesday Night Men's Night format so that we would have a champion at the end of the year. We played our usual arrangement of Men's Nights during the year and then held playoff's in August. Our Men's Night Champion for 2020 is Pat Browne who took home the Don Basarsky Memorial Trophy for his efforts. Each year we hold a Men's Night Windup event late in September. It is a scramble and is a fun event - the 2020 Windup was won by the team of Colin Presley, Fred Stewart, Tim Nguyen and Grant Coates.

Our Senior Men's Windup was also held in September with 32 players participating. The winners were Mike Larocque (low gross) and Richard Wallace (low net). The Men's Match Play was cancelled for 2020 due to the virus and the late start of the golf season. The Senior Men's Interclub was also cancelled due to the virus. Congratulations to all our winners last year.

2021 promises to be another interesting year, with an earlier start - we'll outline some of our activities here and we invite any interested men to join us in our various endeavors. All events are open to all male members of the club. Guests are welcome as long as we have sufficient tee times available.

The Senior Men's Interclub will be looked after by Bud Newman in 2021. We have not had an update from the Calgary Senior Interclub Association re this year's status. We understand they are waiting for guidance from Alberta Health Services. We will update you once we hear from them. We'd like to thank Mo McAtamney for his efforts looking after the Senior Men's Interclub for the past several years.

The Senior Men's golf will happen early on Monday, Tuesday, Thursday and Friday mornings - the sign up procedure is within the Tee-ON system - look under "book a league time" to sign up.

SNIPS is a regular event every Saturday early in the morning - sometimes very early. Entry fee is $10.00 and the money is distributed as prizes immediately after the game. To win a SNIP you must be the single low score on a particular hole. We play both gross and net SNIPS. Sign up is again within the Tee-On system under the "book a league time" heading. The first SNIPS event will be Saturday, May 1st.

Men's Night will continue on Wednesday afternoon and evening. Entry fee is $20.00. We will continue with our scheduling this year such that "regular season" games and playoffs will be scheduled from late April to the end of August - games before and after this will be stand alone games. The detailed schedule will be posted on the Men's Section bulletin board. This year, half the games will be Stableford (gross and net) play and the other half will be stroke play (gross and net). The "fun" games will be stroke play with some diversion applied to add to the enjoyment of the game. Sign up is also within the Tee-On system under the "book a league time" heading. The first Men's Night will be Wednesday April 21st.

Our Match Play tournament will be played throughout the season again in 2021 and will be similar to prior years - it'll be a double knockout with the modified ending we have used in past years. Entry fee is $20.00 and will be charged to your account. A signup sheet will be posted on the Men's Section bulletin board by the entrance to the men's locker room.

If you have questions or would like more information please contact me through the proshop.

I'm looking forward to meeting all of you on the course and to a great golf season.

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