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Men's Section - MAY 2021 UPDATE


Senior Men's Interclub

Unfortunately the Senior Men's Interclub year has been cancelled due to the COVID situation; hopefully we can get it going again in 2022. Thanks again to Bud Newman for taking this on and for following up with the organizers of this league.

Men's Night

We got off to fast start on Men's Night and have played two weeks. The first Men's Night was April 21st and had 20 players. The Worm, Deuce Pot and Blaster were all carried over to the next week. SNIPS were won by Ron Zazelenchuk, David Callum, Rod Coppock, Grant Coates, Robert Goenette, Brian Marchand, Chris Cossins and Jim Willmon. The game was a "fun" game known as "drop a club". For every club you took out of your bag you received an additional handicap stroke. Winners were Denis Chretien (1st), David Callum (2nd), Grant Coates (3rd) and Gordon MacDonald (4th). The skill prizes were won by Rod Coppock, Gord MacDonald and Ron Zazelenchuk with two.

On April 28th we played a Stableford game with 29 players.The Worm was won by Mike Dlugan, The Deuce Pot was shared by Dale Good, Al Jones, Mike Dlugan, Ken Clarke and Stewart Halstead. The Blaster was again carried over and will be $49.00 for the first game in May. SNIPS were won by Mike Dlugan, Brad Gavin, Dale Good, Stewart Halstead, Geoff Strelow, Jim Will mon, Jeff Zimmer and Denis Chretien. The Stableford game winners were Chance Fleck (1st), Denis Chretien (2nd), Stewart (3rd) and Darcy Weston (4th). The skill prizes were won by David Kruschell, Mike Dlugan, Al Jones and Geoff Strelow.


We were not able to get SNIPS started in April - 1st SNIPS Game will be TBA.

Men's Match Play

We were not able to have the Men's Match play last year but will hold it this year. The sign up sheet and a description of the event is posted on the Men's Section bulletin board behind the proshop. You are invited to sign up quickly as we would like to get this started when possible so we have time to complete the competition.

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