Ladies League Information

WELCOME to new and returning Lady Members of Elbow Springs! For those who missed Wednesday night’s meeting here is a synopsis of what will be taking place this season. League play begins the week of May 2 and wraps up the week of September 12. Event sign up will be on-line and via the Elbow Springs App.
1. $50 fee.
We have reinstated the small fee to help offset the costs of running the Ladies League. This fee will be used for:
· Subsidizing the cost of the Ladies Wind up scheduled for September 20
· Prize money for the Tuesday Day Ladies and Thursday 9 & Dine games for those who wish to participate (only those who have signed up will be eligible to win)
· Subsidizing league play for those interested in: CHAMPS, Interclub, or Match Play
Your fee can be made by cheque made out to the “Elbow Springs Ladies Section” and dropped into the secure locked box in the Ladies Locker Room. You may also authorize us to charge your account and nothing further is required. Please email Marilyn Sutton to arrange this.
2. Tuesday Day Ladies
Welcome Ladies to another golf season at Elbow Springs. My name is Marion Kruschell. I look forward to being in charge of the Tuesday Day Ladies this year. I am planning to organize some very simple games that will encourage a fun round of golf. Participation is optional. But there will be prizes for those who do join in. An email will be sent out every Monday explaining the game and the instructions for calculating the points. Please turn your cards in at the end of the round. If we have a tie, there will be a draw to determine the winner. The prizes will consist of $10 credits in the pro shop and will be applied directly into your account.
I am planning to organize some social time for anyone interested in staying after their round of golf. This will consist of coffee and cookies in the restaurant or on the patio. Everyone is welcome to attend and can drop in after their round of golf. I know I have met so many wonderful ladies to play golf with and whether you have been with the club for a long time or short time, we look forward to getting out on the course with you and getting to know you.
Please make your name visible in the online booking system. Go into your account and click on:
- My account
- Preferences
- Make sure there is a check mark on “show name in leagues”
CHAMPS stands for Calgary Hospitality and Match Play Section. It consists of fun & minimally competitive matches among other courses in our section. Four players represent each course- two A players and two B players. A players have a 0-20.1 handicap and B players have a 20.2-35.2 handicap.
This season we will have 5 HOME matches @Elbow Springs, and 4 AWAY matches @Turner Valley, Shaganappi, Redwood Meadows & Scirocco. All matches are played on Mondays, except for Scirocco on a Tuesday. CHAMPS matches begin 06/06 and continue until 08/22. There will be a windup @Inglewood on 09/15.
Tee times are always in the morning, with lunch to follow. There is no charge to play CHAMPS matches, both home and away. The only charge would be for a power/pull cart (if needed), lunch and the windup at the end of season.
Sign-up sheets will be both posted by a google doc spreadsheet and on the corkboard in/near the Ladies locker room. Electronic sign up can be done by the following link
Please contact me with any questions!
Jackie Gomes
4. Interclub
DAY LADIES INTER-CLUB 2022 (DLIC 2022) DLIC is back after a 2-year hiatus and the participating Clubs are: Elbow Springs, Lynx Ridge, Pinebrook, Canmore and Silver Springs. Day Ladies Inter-Club is a friendly competition involving as many different players as possible keeping within 4 players maximum plus the conveners for a total of 5 players from each participating golf club. Team selection should be made with different players each time if possible. All ladies who compete in the events are eligible to the Final Windup keeping within 8 players plus convener for each club.
Format: Stableford. Each team should consist of 2 A players (0 to 20.1) and 2 B players (20.2 to max 35.8). You must have an established handicap factor. Your points are based on your net on each hole.
Net Bogey – 1 point; Net Par – 2 points; Net Birdie – 3 points; Net Eagle – 4 points; Net Albatross (or hole in one) – 5 points. For speed of play, once you are not scoring a point you must pick up your ball.
Note that 18” Gimmee putts are allowed.
Our first matches are May 26th at our own club starting at 9:04.
Players are encouraged to stay for lunch, snacks or drinks and are responsible to pay their own way. A fun day for golf, sometimes at a different club and meeting players from those clubs – oh yes, some competition also. As our first match is quite early in the season, signing up NOW is most helpful. Following is the link to the google sign-up sheet which you must copy and paste in your web browser:
Questions: Bonnie Morris:
5. Business Ladies Inter Club
Hurray – BLIC is back after a 2- year hiatus and the participating Clubs are quite excited. They are:
Elbow Springs; Redwood Meadows; Country Hills; Winston;
Bearspaw; The Hamptons; Inglewood; Silver Springs
Our first matches are May 14th at Country Hills and on May 21st, Elbow Springs hosts Winston.
As our first matches are quite early in the season, signing up NOW is most helpful. Following is the link to the google sign-up sheet which you must copy and paste in your web browser (Bookmark in Chrome, Favourites in Edge for easy access anytime):
It is our intention to have as many Ladies participate as possible. Sign up at the following link:
You must have a registered handicap, not greater than 36 at the designated golf course. Indicate your Handicap Factor on the sign-up sheet. Handicaps will be frozen on the Tuesday prior to the match, please make sure you have entered all your scores as these can be audited.
Format is Net Best Ball between the partners. As we get closer to your match, rules and tee times will be forwarded to you. Players are encouraged to stay for lunch, dinner, snacks, or drinks and are responsible to pay their own way. A fun day for golf, sometimes at a different club and meeting players from those clubs – oh yes, some competition also.
Questions? Contact:
Debbie Shaikin
Diane D’Amico
6. Match Play
Want to sign up for Match Play? Curious about Match Play?
Contact Jemma Lynch at Jemma along with her partner Kay Massey will explain everything you need to know and get you signed up. It is fun and prizes awarded at year end.
7. Your Ladies Executive Team
Janet Wannop
Judy Causgrove
Past President
Jackie Gomes
Karen Meakin
Marilyn Sutton
Bonnie Morris
Interclub & Club Captain
Marion Kruschell
Tuesday Day Ladies
Debbie Okun Shaikin
Business Ladies
Diane D'Amico
Business Ladies